The village chief was a bit of a diva. (His glasses are bananas). He kindly agreed to meet me on a recent trip to Southern Sudan and posed in front of his home for me. Loving the chalk wall art.
Conversation Pieces is a very good blog. And when I saw the author's home in Company mag, it inspired me to set up this. Check out Zoe's description of toiling over this rainbow rug. And how she made it by stitching together two little bits of fabric she picked up for a bargain at Paper Chase. (Reminds me of lots of spilled jelly beans).
Very excited! Just stumbled across Modernity. It's a Swedish furniture supplier with pieces that look a bit contorted and Dali-esque. Other that are like a trippy Alice in Wonderland set.
My friend Rachel who will probably think this is cheating. She's shown me around lots of furniture warehouses in Helsingborg with treasures like this if you rummage through the junk - all with much tinier pricetags. This is the lazy girl's option. And a wonderful one too.
Before I type this, I want to clarify that a) I am 25, not 75, and that b) I don't own a cat or fill out the 'doddery, eccentric spinster' box on the Census.
Another of The Selby's finest inclusions (like this one). I like this supermodel's mix of stag heads, scrubby whitewashed brickwork, studded armchairs - and utterly superfluous mannequins in her dressing room... Can you guess who it is yet? No? Here's the answer...
Nice digs, Helena Christensen. Big fan of the industrial worktops and papery roses.
... this is a Midsummer Night's Dream wedding breakfast table (apparently), that I'd like to transplant into my back garden. Especially the hazy silverbirches and naked bulbs with their romantic orange haze.
I used to have tremendous fun lining up empty wine bottles, jamming skinny candles into them, then waiting for a waterfall of wax to cling to the glass. Until, that is, my oak table top became smattered with gluey lumps of dried-on wax. Beware Time to buy a real candelabra, I think.
Tip: Try Melody Maison for French, chintzy ones. Though steer clear of white. Too weddingy. my kitchen cupboards. Despite disinfecting and plugging all visible holes, the beasts are unsquashable. So ensued a tossup between planting mothballs in my bags of peanuts - or pouring my peanuts (and rice etc) into these glass clip lid jars. The jars won. £2 a pop from Tesco. Peanuts, indeed.
To me, this is the perfect clash: Peeling industrial walls, ditzy upholstered armchairs with clean lines, abstract cushions and French boudoir picture frames. Not sure about the steel lamp. Make mine a porcelain butterfly birdcage...
After my little Gert post, here's another artist who turns ambientic (is that a word?) lighting into an art form. If you can't see, it's a steely bird cage (with a loop up top to hang it) filled with tiny porcelain butterflies that light up.
Part art installation, part functional lighting. One of Belgian light artist Gert's pared back, soft simple light fittings. They cast velvety glows and warm the harshest furniture.
PS: I interviewed his sister for Homes & Gardens (Jan 2012 issue) about her light-drenched, white sanctuary. Will post what she said when it's out...
My final exravagant post, I promise - then back to DIY and thrift. But this Christian Lacroix setis a gaga mix of fake taxidermy, scarlet, monochrome and murals - not sure about the Victoriana costume on the rail...
Tip: Look out for the fabric version of this print - or better yet, order lots of free samples from Designer's Guild, then piece them together if you find the £240 per metre price too salty...
Sorry for the awful quality iPhone pic - but it had to be included. This Vogue-featured sitting room of an architect and his fashionista wife has a patterned leaf-fabric sofa and a piece de resistance - smooth white pebbles pressed into the concrete. (Will scout for a better snap)
Sarah Robertson has a minimalist white lounge. Apart from good lighting and a squashy corner sofa this is her only decoration. A wooden sheep with beady eyes and a fluffy white coat. Often mistaken for a dog when I wake up in the middle of the night on said sofa. Bah x
Off-the-beaten track shop Nest Vintage Living in the Cardiff suburb, Rhiwbina has vintage teacups, Thirties glassware - and cake tins for hire. Look out for the big selection of patterned ribbons too...
Admittedly, I've only roadtested around 10 scented candles. But Darjeeling Mist from Tea Palace (£22ish) has the strongest, most lingering and sweet perfume aroma I've tried. Keeps a good strong wick and generous burn time.
In my weakest moments of procrastination, I've been known to trawl the Foxtons site for decor inspiration. And saved this colourful pad as my desktop for a time.
... Room Remedies. It's a teensy Scandanavian-themed homeware shop twenty steps from my front door. But it took me a year from moving to the area before I noticed it.
Another find. This rickety Victorian dressing table cost me £20. Fingers crossed there was no woodworm.
I glossed it black, replaced the drawer handles with these little glass ones. Sadly, it serves as my desk these days so I've covered the mirror with fabric. Don't think the pic does it justice.
Oh, and the jewel about the mirror is my locket. It fell off a necklace so I superglued it there. Inside is a pic of my sisters Amy and Mollie.
My attempt at jazzing up a nasty set of drawers and an alcove. Too cluttered, the melamine drawers are un-disguisable. The only thing that makes it sweet are these pastel pink papery roses that feel like velvet.
Hint: The Shepherd's Bush florist I found them in has closed. Try Wild at Heart (the florist in the door of Liberty), for velvety English roses that look all antiquey.